International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - v. 2, n. 3 (Juli 1983)
Erschienen: | Juli 1983 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Dravinski, Marijan | Characterization of inclusion through surface strong ground motion | 150-155 |
Theocaris, P. S. / Georgiadis, H. G. | Dynamic interaction of a propagating crack with an oblique fault | 161-170 |
Westermo, B. D. | The effects of earthquake wave dispersion on the response of simple dynamic structural models | 122-127 |
Hoshiya, Masaru / Ishii, Kiyoshi | Evaluation of kinematic interaction of soil-foundation systems by a stochastic model | 128-134 |
Faccioli, E. | Measures of strong ground motion derived from a stochastic source model | 135-149 |
Vaid, Y. P. / Chern, J. C. | Mechanism of deformation during cyclic undrained loading of saturated sands | 171-177 |
Berrill, J. B. | Two-dimensional analysis of the effect of fault rupture on buildings with shallow foundations | 156-160 |