Construction Management and Economics - v. 39, n. 11 (November 2021)
Erschienen: | November 2021 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Dharmapuri Tirumala, Raghu / Dangol, Neeraj / Tiwari, Piyush / Vaz-Serra, Paulo | Comparative analysis of outcomes under PPP and traditional modes of delivery: a study of schools in Melbourne | 894-911 |
Nguyen, Phuong H. D. / Tran, Dai Q. / Bypaneni, Sai P. K. | Exploring the impact of project size on design-bid-build and design-build project delivery performance in highways | 879-893 |
Guo, Wenqian / Lu, Wenxue / Gao, Xinran / Cai, Feifei | How interpersonal ties affect interorganizational trust in construction projects: role differences and cross-level effects | 912-931 |
Ertuğrul, Hasan Murat / Pirgaip, Burak | The nexus between construction investment and economic development: evidence from MENA countries | 932-947 |