Sung Nam Hong
- 직교이방성 강바닥판 피로와 구조부재의 관계에 대한 연구 (A Study for Relation Between Fatigue and Structural Members on Othortropic Steel Deck). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 16, n. 3 (Mai 2012). (2012):
- 중간부 부착파괴된 CFRP 판 보강 RC 보의 휨강도 평가 (Evaluation of Nominal Flexural Strength in RC Beams Strengthend with CFRP Plate and Failed by Intermediate Crack Debonding). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 15, n. 5 (September 2011). (2011):
- 사장교 가이드 파이프 앵커 형식에서의 정착강관 설계절차 (Design Process of Fixing Pipe in Guide Pipe-Anchor System for Cable-Stayed Bridge). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 15, n. 4 (Juli 2011). (2011):
- P.S.T 공법 라멘 구조물의 휨 거동 특성에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on Flexural Behavior in Framed Structure of P.S.T Method). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 15, n. 2 (März 2011). (2011):