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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil



Structurae a catalogué 342 publication(s) pertinentes.

  1. Wareham, David G. / Bourke, Mike (2013): The 2010–2011 Canterbury earthquakes: impact on the liquid waste management system of Christchurch, New Zealand. Dans: Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, v. 30, n. 1 (mars 2013), pp. 1-14.


  2. Ohl, Cliff / Shorrock, Chris / Cameron, Greg / Zipfel, Holger / Harlos, Sven (2024): 60MLD Floating Pump Station, Waikato River, New Zealand. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering, v. 177, n. 1 (janvier 2024), pp. 1-12.


  3. Bullen, L. / McLaren, S. J. / Dowdell, D. / Chandrakumar, C. (2021): Absolute sustainability of New Zealand office buildings in the context of climate targets. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 205 (novembre 2021), pp. 108186.


  4. Ying, Fei J. / Zhao, Nan / Tookey, John (2021): Achieving construction innovation in best value procurement projects: New Zealand mega projects study. Dans: Construction Innovation, v. 22, n. 2 (octobre 2021), pp. 388-403.


  5. Liu, Tingting / Wilkinson, Suzanne (2011): Adopting innovative procurement techniques. Obstacles and drivers for adopting public private partnerships in New Zealand. Dans: Construction Innovation, v. 11, n. 4 (octobre 2011), pp. 452-469.
