IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - v. 1098, n. 2 (März 2021)
Erschienen: | März 2021 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Rasgianti, R. / Wibowo, P. A. | Analysis slope stability of transmission tower 150 kV on moderately-cemented-sand due to soil excavation | 022025 |
Achmad, F. | Comparison of laboratory test and in-situ test results against bored pile foundation bearing capacity at Sido Mukti II Bridge Foundation Gorontalo Province | 022030 |
Suryani, F. / Widiasanti, I. / Satrio, D. / Yunianto, A. / Mulyono, T. / Luthfiana, Y. | A dominant factor of human resources performance of construction management in supervising high rise building construction phase | 022038 |
Nadiar, F. / Nusantara, D. A. D. | Shady residency: Passive technologies through shading devices for some building styles to fix heat problem causes by climate change in a tropical area | 022029 |
Mahmudah, Z. / Latief, Y. | Structural Equation Model (SEM) relationship between location and building height and Work Breakdown Structure toward safety costs at rental apartement project | 022055 |