Xiao, Junhua / Dai, Ming / Sun, Siqi / Wan, Hongyu / Tan, Shehui / Han, Ruifen: Analysis of Local Characteristics of Track Dynamic Irregularity at the Girder End Regions in Kilometer-level Span Bridge. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.
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Bai, Yingqi / Xiao, Junhua / Xue, Lihua / Liu, Zhiyong / Wang, Binglong: Correction effect of jet-grouting on high-speed railway subgrade lateral deformation. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering.
Jin, Hao / Wang, Zhihong / Zhao, Chen / Xiao, Junhua (2024): Effect of rubber surface treatment on damping performance of rubber-mortar ITZ in rubberized concrete. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 83 (April 2024).
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Xiao, Junhua / Juang, C. Hsein / Wei, Kai / Xu, Shiqin (2014): Effects of Principal Stress Rotation on the Cumulative Deformation of Normally Consolidated Soft Clay under Subway Traffic Loading. In: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, v. 140, n. 4 (April 2014).
Xiao, Junhua / Guo, Daotong / Wang, Qingpeng / Gao, Xiang / Sun, Jianping (2023): Deviation rectification of a high-rise building with piled raft foundation: a case study. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Forensic Engineering, v. 176, n. 1 (Januar 2023).
Wang, Jian / Wang, Shu / Zuo, Yingfeng / Xiao, Junhua / Wu, Yiqiang (2021): Construction of compatible interface of straw/magnesium oxychloride lightweight composites by coupling agents. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 281 (April 2021).
He, Chao / Zhou, Shunhua / Di, Honggui / Guo, Peijun / Xiao, Junhua (2018): Analytical method for calculation of ground vibration from a tunnel embedded in a multi-layered half-space. In: Computers and Geotechnics, v. 99 (Juli 2018).
Di, Honggui / Zhou, Shunhua / Xiao, Junhua / Gong, Quanmei / Luo, Zhe (2016): Investigation of the long-term settlement of a cut-and-cover metro tunnel in a soft deposit. In: Engineering Geology, v. 204 (April 2016).
Wu, Yafei / Shan, Yao / Zhou, Shunhua / Lai, Yuanming / Xiao, Junhua (2022): Estimating anthropogenic heat from an urban rail transit station: A Case study of Qingsheng metro station, Guangzhou, China. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 82 (Juli 2022).
Xiao, Junhua / Zhao, Xihong (2019): Performance of a pile foundation in soft soil. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering, v. 172, n. 2 (April 2019).
Xiao, Junhua / Shi, Chuanfu / Xu, Yaoling / Zhang, Fucheng (2016): Interface stress of orthotropic materials with a nanodefect under antiplane shear loading. In: Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, v. 11, n. 5 (September 2016).
Xiao, Junhua / Xu, Yaoling / Zhang, Fucheng (2018): An analytical solution for heat flux distribution of cylindrically orthotropic fiber reinforced composites with surface effect. In: Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, v. 13, n. 4 (Dezember 2018).
Xiao, Junhua / Sun, Siqi / Zhang, Xiao / Zhang, De / Wei, Kai / Wang, Yanhai (2021): Macro and meso dynamic response of granular materials in ballastless track subgrade for high-speed railway. In: International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, v. 10, n. 4 (Dezember 2021).
Xiao, Junhua / Song, Jinrong / Liang, Dong / Zhai, Lihua / Nong, Xingzhong (2020): Decision method on optimal time of preventive maintenance for metro shield tunnels in soft soils. In: International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, v. 9, n. 4 (Dezember 2020).
Xiao, Junhua / Xu, Yaoling / Zhang, Fucheng (2018): An analytical method for predicting the effective transverse thermal conductivity of nano coated fiber composites. In: Composite Structures, v. 189 (April 2018).
Zuo, Yingfeng / Xiao, Junhua / Wang, Jian / Liu, Wenjie / Li, Xingong / Wu, Yiqiang (2018): Preparation and characterization of fire retardant straw/magnesium cement composites with an organic-inorganic network structure. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 171 (Mai 2018).
Wang, Jian / Zuo, Yingfeng / Xiao, Junhua / Li, Ping / Wu, Yiqiang (2019): Construction of compatible interface of straw/magnesia lightweight materials by alkali treatment. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 228 (Dezember 2019).
Jin, Hao / Yu, Shuo / Zhou, Shunhua / Xiao, Junhua (2019): Research on Mechanics of Longitudinal Joint in Shield Tunnel by the Nonlinear Spring Equivalent Method. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 23, n. 2 (Januar 2019).
Xiao, Junhua / Xu, Bai-Xiang / Xu, Yaoling / Zhang, Fucheng (2019): The generalized self-consistent micromechanics prediction of the magnetoelectroelastic properties of multi-coated nanocomposites with surface effect. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 28, n. 5 (Mai 2019).
Zhou, Shunhua / Li, Xue / Ji, Chang / Xiao, Junhua (2016): Back-fill grout experimental test for discharged soils reuse of the large-diameter size slurry shield tunnel. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 21, n. 3 (Mai 2016).
Zhou, Shunhua / Di, Honggui / Xiao, Junhua / Wang, Peixin (2016): Differential Settlement and Induced Structural Damage in a Cut-and-Cover Subway Tunnel in a Soft Deposit. In: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 30, n. 5 (Oktober 2016).