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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


I-90 Innerbelt Bridge - Controlled Demolition, Inc.

Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, Maryland, USA (acting as Implosion Subcontractor to Main Demolition Contractor, Joseph B. Fay Company of Tarentum, Pennsylvania) performs the successful explosives felling of six (6), structural steel spans (totaling 1,550' long) of the I-90 Innerbelt Bridge in Cleveland, Ohio at 6:00 AM on Saturday, July 12, 2014. The explosives sequence required the precision felling of the spans which passed adjacent to a mainline Norfolk Southern Railroad trestle, above a CSX railroad spur and two (2) active city streets (with live underground gas, electric and fiber optics cables), and within 11' of third party properties to remain.

Media-ID: 369150
Erstellt im/am: 14. Juli 2014
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Geändert am: 11.01.2022

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USA (1959)