Transactions of the Newcomen Society - v. 28, n. 1 (Januar 1951)
Erschienen: | Januar 1951 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Tew, D. H. | Canal Lifts And Inclines: With particular reference to those in the British Isles | 35-58 |
Sterland, E. G. | The Early History of the Teaching of Engineering in Cambridge | 263-275 |
Wailes, Rex | Lincolnshire Windmills: Part I. Post Mills | 245-253 |
Wailes, Rex | Notes on the Windmill Drawings in Smeaton's Designs | 239-243 |
Hart, lvor B. | The Scientific Basis for Leonardo Da Vinci's Work in Technology — An Appreciation | 105-129 |
Titley, Arthur / Haines, H. D. / Wailes, Rex | A Warwickshire Windmill: and some notes on early Millwrighting | 233-237 |
Gibson, W. G. | The Water Supply of Cambridge | 277-278 |