Periodika nach Titel - T
- t.p.e
- TEC21
- La Technique des Travaux (Tech. trav.)
- Techniques et Architecture
- Technology and Culture
- Teknik Dergi
- The Consulting Engineer
- Thin-Walled Structures
- Tiefbau
- Tiefbau, Ingenieurbau, Straßenbau (tis)
- Tracés
- Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers
- Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society
- Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers
- Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Australia - Multi-Disciplinary Engineering
- Transactions of the Newcomen Society
- Transportation Research Procedia
- Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
- Travaux
- Trends in Civil Engineering and its Architecture (TCEIA)
- tunnel
- Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
- Tunnels & Tunnelling International (T&T)
- Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains