Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society - 1998
Erschienen: | 1998 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Robey, Ann | ' All asmear with filth and fat and blood and foam'. The social and architectural reformation of Smithfield Market during the nineteenth century | |
Morrison, Kathryn | Cottage Home Villages | |
Gold, Susan | Johann Blasius Santini-Aichel: a Gothic-Baroque Architect in Bohemia 1677-1723 | |
Kuipers, Marieke | The Long Path to Preservation in The Netherlands | |
Saunders, Matthew | St Andrew's Church, South Huish, Devon (owned by The Friends of Friendless Churches) | |
Airs, Malcolm | The Strange History of Paper Roofs |