Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers - v. 73, n. 3 (September 1911)
Erschienen: | September 1911 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Endicott, Mordecai T. | Address at the 43D Annual Convention, Chattanooga, Tennessee, June 13th, 1911 | 392-397 |
Scott, William Fry | Bond-Friction-Resistance in Reinforced Concrete | 230-266 |
Koenig, Arnold C. | Dams on Sand Foundations: Some Principles Involved in their Design, and the Law Governing the Depth of Penetration Required for Sheet-Piling | 175-189 |
Metcalf, Leonard / Alvord, John W. | The Going Value of Water-Works | 326-355 |
Raymer, Albert R. | The Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad Cantilever Bridge Over the Ohio River at Beaver, Pa. | 136-165 |
Parker, Harold / Drowne, Henry B. / Hunter, Joseph V. / Crosby, W. W. / Sargent, Paul D. / Ellis, Fred. E. / Whinery, Samuel / Pullar, H. B. / Lewis, Nelson P. | Relative Value of Three Methods of Carrying on Work | 13-24 |
Page, Logan Waller / Crosby, W. W. / Blanchard, Arthur H. / Richardson, Clifford / Knowlton, C. F. / Armstrong, Alexander F. / Clark, Watson G. | Road Cons Truction and Maintenance: An Informal Discussion PResented at the Meetings of January 20th and 21 st, 1911 | 1-12 |
Hogan, John P. | Sinking a Wet Shaft | 398-413 |
Howard, James E. | Some Tests of Large Steel Columns | 429-447 |
Powell, T. J. | Street Paving Crowns, Washington, D. C. | 225-227 |
Ross, Charles W. / Crosby, W. W. / Hubbard, Prevost / Blanchard, Arthur H. / Eppele, Frank J. / Rablin, John R. / Compton, R. K. / Connell, William H. / Dean, Arthur W. / Ellis, Fred. E. / Parker, Harold / Driscoll, Michael / Sharples, Philip P. / Bishop, Hubert K. / Meeker, R. A. / Owen, James | Surface Treatment with Tars, Heavy Oils, etc. | 44-73 |
Bishop, Hubert K. / Diehl, George C. / Meeker, R. A. / Macdonald, James H. / Page, Logan Waller | Systems of Maintenance | 25-32 |
Blanchard, Arthur H. / Pillsbury, F. C. / Eppele, Frank J. / Cornell, William H. / Meeker, R. A. / Smith, F. P. / Richardson, Clifford / Howard, J. W. / Sargent, Paul D. | The Use of Bituminous Materials by Mixing Methods | 99-135 |
Crosby, W. W. / Roes, Charles W. / Compton, R. K. / Cornell, William H. / Driscoll, Michael / Smith, Malcolm H. / Rogers, E. H. / Armstrong, Alexander F. / Shirley, H. G. / Sargent, Paul D. / Meeker, R. A. / Wonders, James C. | The Use of Bituminous Materials by Penetration Methods | 74-98 |
Whinery, S. / Wickes, J. L. / Poore, H. C. / Ross, Charles W. / Bishop, Hubert K. / Grabill, L. R. / Meeker, R. A. | The Use of Water, Calcium Chloride, Light Oils, etc., as Dust Palliatives | 33-43 |