Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers - v. 67, n. 2 (Juni 1910)
Erschienen: | Juni 1910 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Bamford, William B. | Agreements for Building Contracts | 438-477 |
Anderson, George Gray | The Effect of Alkali on Concrete | 572-586 |
Gregory, John H. | The Improved Water and Sewage Works of Columbus, Ohio | 206-323 |
Howe, Horace J. | Notes on the Replacing of the Superstructure of the Harlem River Ship Canal Bridge | 1-22 |
Hawkesworth, John | Precarious Expedients in Engineering Practice | 32-45 |
Thomson, T. Kennard | Underpinning the Cambridge Building, New York City | 553-564 |
Sorzano, Judo P. | Water Supply for the Lock Canal at Panama | 61-90 |