Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers - v. 57, n. 2 (Dezember 1906)
Erschienen: | Dezember 1906 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Watson, Wilbur J. | Concerning the Investigation of Overloaded Bridges | 247-256 |
Harts, William W. | The Control of Hydraulic Mining in California by the Federal Government | 1-30 |
de B. Parsons, H. | Disposal of Municipal Refuse, and Rubbish Incineration | 45-82 |
Swain, George F. / Bouton, Harold / Rafter, George W. / Marburg, Edgar / Wialliians, Gardner H. / Landreth, Olin H. / Green, Bernard R. / Wendt, Edwin F. / Talbot, A. N. / Coates, F. R. / Jones, Bassett | Engineering Education | 141-180 |
Usina, D. A. / Maignen, J. P. A. | Engineering Patents | 83-90 |
Lawrence, F. E. / Braunworth, P. L. | Fountain Flow of Water in Vertical Pipes | 265-301 |
Smith, Augustus | The Narragansett Bay Coal Depot | 204-223 |
Whipple, G. C. / Kuichling, E. / Rafter, George W. / Johnson, William S. / Maignen, J. P. A. / Potts, Clyde / Pratt, R. Winthrop / Alvord, John W. / Gregory, John H. / Clark, H. W. / Winslow, C. E. A. | Sewage Disposal | 91-140 |
Mayer, Joseph | Steam Locomotive and Electric Operation for Trunk-Line Traffic — A Comparison of Costs and Earnings | 455-495 |
Richardson, Clifford | Street Traffic in New York City, 1885 and 1904 | 181-190 |
Churchill, Charles S. | The Ventilation of Tunnels | 227-239 |
Hazen, Allen / Hardy, E. D. | Works for the Purification of the Water Supply of Washington, D. C. | 307-363 |