Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers - v. 50, n. 1 (Juni 1903)
Erschienen: | Juni 1903 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Le Baron, J. Francis | An Alternative Line for the Nicaragua Canal; and a Proposed New Method of Dam Construction | 23-38 |
Noble, Alfred | The Development of the Address At the Annual June 9th, 1903 | 327-350 |
Andrews, D. M. | The Economic Improvement of the Coosa and Alabama Rivers, in Georgia and Alabama | 363-379 |
Fuller, George W. | The Filtration Works of the East Jersey Water Company, At Little Falls, New Jersey | 394-443 |
Gerry, M. H. | A High-Voltage Power Transmission | 212-244 |
Dana, Richard T. | A New Safety Explosive | 382-392 |
Falk, Myron S. | Note on the Coefficient of Elasticity of Concrete and Mortar Beams During Flexure | 473-476 |
Morison, George S. | The Panama Canal | 155-184 |
Allanson-Winn, R. G. | The Protection and Improvement of Foreshores by the Utilization of Tidal and Wave Action | 66-85 |
Lilly, George W. | Sand-Blast Cleaning of Structural Steel | 254-276 |
de B. Parsons, H. | A Small Rock-Pill Dam | 351-358 |
Dennis, A. C. | Virtual Grades for Freight Trains | 1-11 |