Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers - v. 46, n. 2 (Dezember 1901)
Erschienen: | Dezember 1901 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Metcalf, Leonard | The Antecedents of the Septic Tank | 456-471 |
Whinery, Samuel / Crowell, Foster / Osborn, Frank C. / Brinckerhoff, H. W. / Hinds, Frank A. / Hutton, William R. / Wallace, John F. / Bond, Edward A. / Maignen, J. P. A. | Civil Engineering Practice: Shall it be Regulated by Law? | 129-140 |
Kuichling, E. / Williams, Gardner S. / Trautwine, John C. / Hering, Rudolph / FitzGerald, Desmond / Owen, James / Humphreys, D. C. / Maignen, J. P. A. / Chester, J. N. / Smith, Oberlin / Harlow, J. H. / Herschel, Clemens / Brooks, Fred / Brackett, Dexter / Christian, G. L. / Crowell, Foster / Sherman, Charles W. / Kuichling, Emil | The Consumption of Water in Municipal Supplies and the Restriction of Waste | 407-450 |
Whipple, George C. / Hazen, Allen / Soper, George A. / Fuller, George W. / Maignen, J. P. A. / Chester, J. N. / Stearns, Frederic P. / FitzGerald, Desmond / Dunham, H. F. | The Decolorization of Water | 141-181 |
Harts, William W. | Description of Coos Bay, Oregon, and the Improvement of its Entrance by the Government | 482-506 |
Horton, Theodore | Flow in the Sewers of the North Metropolitan Sewerage System of Massachusetts | 78-86 |
Boggs, J. I. | Heavy Railway Construction in Wyoming | 1-16 |
Grimm, C. R. | The Kinzua Viaduct of the Erie Railroad Company | 21-37 |
Knowles, Morris / Hyde, Charles Gillman | The Lawrence, Mass., City Filter: A History of its Installation and Maintenance | 258-308 |
Blackmar, Abel B. | Railroad Discrimination against New York, and The Remedy | 182-194 |
Fuertes, E. A. | Short and Easy Methods for Computing Probable Errors | 251-257 |
Buck, R. S. / Moisseiff, L. S. / Worcester, J. R. / Jacoby, H. S. / Wason, Leonard C. / Johnson, A. L. / Parker, William / Fuller, William B. | Steel Concrete Construction | 93-128 |
Lee, W. B. | Transition Curves | 379-382 |