Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers - v. 44, n. 2 (Dezember 1900)
Erschienen: | Dezember 1900 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Marx, Charles D. / Wing, Charles B. / Hoskings, Leander M. | Experiments on the Flow of Water in the Six-Foot Steel and Wood Pipe Line of the Pioneer Electric Power Company, at Ogden, Utah. Second Series | 34-54 |
Hering, Rudolph / Deacon, George F. / Fuller, George W. / Rideal, Samuel / Davey, Henry / Greene, J. N. / Kemna, Ad. / Hilgard, K. E. / Hunter, Walter / Palmer, Philip H. / Perrett, E. / Johnson, Andrew / Roechling, H. Alfred / Simin, Nicholas | Filtration of Water for Public Use | 399-448 |
Purdy, Corydon T. / Bolton, Reginald Pelham / Hunt, Robert W. / Riley, W. E. / de B. Parsons, H. / Read, R. J. Gifford / Kirby, Oscar J. / Wallace, John F. / Sloan, Maurice M. / Furber, William Copeland | Height of Buildings | 449-474 |
Webster, George S. / Wagner, Samuel Tobias | History of the Pennsylvania Avenue Subway, Philadelphia, and Sewer Construction Connected Therewith | 1-33 |
Mead, Elwood | Irrigation Studies | 149-175 |
Montony, L. G. | The Ninety-Sixth Street Power Station of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company, of New York City | 119-142 |
Rafter, George W. | On the Flow of Water Over Dams | 220-314 |
Kummer, F. A. | A Proposed Method for the Preservation of Timber | 181-193 |
Hunt, Robert W. / Colby, Albert Ladd / Wesbter, William R. / Wallace, John F. / Bell, Lowthian / Smelt, J. D. | Recent Practice in Rails | 475-504 |
Landreth, William B. | Recent Stadia Topographic Surveys: Notes Relating to Methods and Cost | 92-99 |