Thin-Walled Structures - Mai 2017
Erschienen: | Mai 2017 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Bebiano, R. / Calçada, R. / Camotim, D. / Silvestre, N. | Dynamic analysis of high-speed railway bridge decks using generalised beam theory | 22-31 |
Shi, Xing Hua / Zhang, Jing / Guedes Soares, C. | Experimental study on collapse of cracked stiffened plate with initial imperfections under compression | 39-51 |
Al Zand, Ahmed W. / Badaruzzaman, Wan Hamidon W. / Mutalib, Azrul A. / Hilo, Salam J. | Rehabilitation and strengthening of high-strength rectangular CFST beams using a partial wrapping scheme of CFRP sheets: Experimental and numerical study | 80-91 |
Lian, Ying / Uzzaman, Asraf / Lim, James B. P. / Abdelal, Gasser / Nash, David / Young, Ben | Web crippling behaviour of cold-formed steel channel sections with web holes subjected to interior-one-flange loading condition – Part II: parametric study and proposed design equations | 92-106 |