Thin-Walled Structures - v. 42, n. 7 (Juli 2004)
Erschienen: | Juli 2004 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Khamlichi, A. / Bezzazi, M. / Limam, A. | Buckling of elastic cylindrical shells considering the effect of localized axisymmetric imperfections | 1035-1047 |
Jiao, H. / Zhao, X.-L. | CFRP strengthened butt-welded very high strength (VHS) circular steel tubes | 963-978 |
Thomas, J.-C. / Wielgosz, C. | Deflections of highly inflated fabric tubes | 1049-1066 |
Ho, H. C. / Chung, K. F. | Experimental investigation into the structural behaviour of lapped connections between cold-formed steel Z sections | 1013-1033 |
Leung, A. Y. T. / Zhu, B. | Geometric nonlinear vibration of clamped Mindlin plates by analytically integrated trapezoidal p-element | 931-945 |
Li, Long-yuan | Lateral–torsional buckling of cold-formed zed-purlins partial-laterally restrained by metal sheeting | 995-1011 |