The Structural Engineer - v. 99, n. 9 (September 2021)
Erschienen: | September 2021 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Laidler, Peter | Measuring carbon – a small practice perspective | 14-18 |
Cobb, Fiona | Power stations, bridges and skyscrapers: forgotten figures in structural engineering history. Part 2: Florence Taylor and Mary Irvine - first women members of the Institution of Structural Engineers | 8-13 |
Padilla Philipps, Diego | Reuse, build less, build lean: low-carbon design for 22 Bishopsgate, London | 26-32 |
Blaisdell Collins, Lizzie / White, Joe | Strengthening of existing buildings: an introduction | 20-24 |
Brohn, David | Viewpoint. Structural behaviour revisited: who will take up the education challenge? | 34-38 |