Construction Management and Economics - v. 43, n. 4 (Februar 2025)
Erschienen: | Februar 2025 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Nyqvist, Roope / Peltokorpi, Antti / Lavikka, Rita / Ainamo, Antti | Building the digital age: management of digital transformation in the construction industry | 1-22 |
Siebelink, Sander / Voordijk, Hans J. T. / Endedijk, Maaike D. / Adriaanse, Arjen M. | Exploring strategies for managing maturity variations among project partners: from underperformance and controlling weak links to stretching capabilities | 1-19 |
Wanigarathna, Nadeeshani / Xie, Ying / Henjewele, Christian / Morga, Mariantonietta / Jones, Keith | Machine learning application to disaster damage repair cost modelling of residential buildings | 1-21 |
Duman, Dilek U. / Green, Stuart D. | Talking about strategy: the role of epic plot structures in international contracting | 1-18 |