Computers & Structures - Februar 2018
Erschienen: | Februar 2018 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Kwag, Shinyoung / Gupta, Abhinav | Computationally efficient fragility assessment using equivalent elastic limit state and Bayesian updating | 1-11 |
Ferrari, Rosalba / Cocchetti, Giuseppe / Rizzi, Egidio | Effective iterative algorithm for the Limit Analysis of truss-frame structures by a kinematic approach | 28-41 |
Fan, Y. / Zhou, C. W. / Lainé, J. P. / Ichchou, M. / Li, L. | Model reduction schemes for the wave and finite element method using the free modes of a unit cell | 42-57 |
Howson, W. P. / Watson, A. | On the provenance of hinged-hinged frequencies in Timoshenko beam theory | 71-81 |
Fu, C. M. / Cao, L. X. / Tang, J. C. / Long, X. Y. | A subinterval decomposition analysis method for uncertain structures with large uncertainty parameters | 58-69 |
Konopka, Daniel / Kaliske, Michael | Transient multi-F ick ian hygro-mechanical analysis of wood | 12-27 |