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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Simone Torresin ORCID

Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Torriani, Giulia / Torresin, Simone / Albatici, Rossano / Babich, Francesco (2025): Influence of building- and occupant-related factors on perceived air quality (PAQ) in offices: A systematic review. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 100 ( 2025).


  2. Gupta, Akshit / Torriani, Giulia / Torresin, Simone / Pistore, Lorenza / Pellegatti, Matteo / Piazza, Lucia / Miorin, Fabrizio / Pasut, Wilmer / Belleri, Annamaria / Lollini, Roberto / Babich, Francesco (2025): Thermal comfort and perceived air quality (PAQ) using automatic ceiling fans in residential buildings. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 330 (März 2025).


  3. Shtrepi, Louena / Aletta, Francesco / Aspöck, Lukas / Astolfi, Arianna / Fels, Janina / Hornikx, Maarten / Jambrošić, Kristian / Jeong, Cheol-Ho / Kahle, Eckhard / Llorca-Bofí, Josep / Rindel, Jens Holger / Rychtáriková, Monika / Torresin, Simone / Vorländer, Michael (2024): Ten questions concerning Architectural Acoustics. In: Building and Environment, v. 265 (November 2024).


  4. Torresin, Simone / Aletta, Francesco / Oberman, Tin / Albatici, Rossano / Kang, Jian (2024): Factors influencing window opening behavior and mechanical ventilation usage during summertime: A case study in UK dwellings. In: Building and Environment, v. 263 (September 2024).


  5. Torriani, Giulia / Torresin, Simone / Lara-Ibeas, Irene / Albatici, Rossano / Babich, Francesco (2024): Perceived air quality (PAQ) assessment methods in office buildings: A systematic review towards an indoor smellscape approach. In: Building and Environment, v. 258 (Juni 2024).


  6. Latini, Arianna / Torresin, Simone / Oberman, Tin / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Aletta, Francesco / Kang, Jian / D'Orazio, Marco (2024): Virtual reality application to explore indoor soundscape and physiological responses to audio-visual biophilic design interventions: An experimental study in an office environment. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 87 (Juni 2024).


  7. Latini, Arianna / Torresin, Simone / Oberman, Tin / Di Giuseppe, Elisa / Aletta, Francesco / Kang, Jian / D'Orazio, Marco (2024): Effects of Biophilic Design interventions on university students' cognitive performance: An audio-visual experimental study in an Immersive Virtual office Environment. In: Building and Environment, v. 250 (Februar 2024).


  8. Torresin, Simone / Aletta, Francesco / Oberman, Tin / Vinciotti, Veronica / Albatici, Rossano / Kang, Jian (2023): Measuring, representing and analysing indoor soundscapes: A data collection campaign in residential buildings with natural and mechanical ventilation in England. In: Building and Environment, v. 243 (September 2023).


  9. Pellegatti, Matteo / Torresin, Simone / Visentin, Chiara / Babich, Francesco / Prodi, Nicola (2023): Indoor soundscape, speech perception, and cognition in classrooms: A systematic review on the effects of ventilation-related sounds on students. In: Building and Environment, v. 236 (Mai 2023).


  10. Torresin, Simone / Albatici, Rossano / Aletta, Francesco / Babich, Francesco / Oberman, Tin / Kang, Jian (2021): Associations between indoor soundscapes, building services and window opening behaviour during the COVID-19 lockdown. In: Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, v. 43, n. 2 (Oktober 2021).


  11. Visentin, Chiara / Prodi, Nicola / Cappelletti, Francesca / Torresin, Simone / Gasparella, Andrea (2019): Speech intelligibility and listening effort in university classrooms for native and non-native Italian listeners. In: Building Acoustics, v. 26, n. 4 (Oktober 2019).


  12. Torresin, Simone / Albatici, Rossano / Aletta, Francesco / Babich, Francesco / Oberman, Tin / Siboni, Stefano / Kang, Jian (2020): Indoor soundscape assessment: A principal components model of acoustic perception in residential buildings. In: Building and Environment, v. 182 (September 2020).


  13. Visentin, Chiara / Prodi, Nicola / Cappelletti, Francesca / Torresin, Simone / Gasparella, Andrea (2018): Using listening effort assessment in the acoustical design of rooms for speech. In: Building and Environment, v. 136 (Mai 2018).


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