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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Francesca Stazi ORCID

Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Summa, Serena / Tarabelli, Luca / Di Perna, Costanzo / Stazi, Francesca (2024): Data-driven automation of HVAC systems: An experimental study in a university study room. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 95 (Oktober 2024).


  2. Summa, Serena / Remia, Giada / Di Perna, Costanzo / Stazi, Francesca (2024): Mechanically ventilated classrooms in central Italy's heritage school buildings: Proposal of archetypes and CO2 prediction models. In: Building and Environment, v. 265 (November 2024).


  3. Stazi, Francesca / Pierandrei, Nicola / Di Perna, Costanzo / Tittarelli, Francesca (2022): Experimental evaluation of natural hydraulic lime renders with nanoclay and nanolime to protect raw earth building surfaces. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (Dezember 2022).


  4. Stazi, Francesca / Corinaldesi, Valeria / Capotondo, Ylenia / Porcarelli, Ilaria / Di Perna, Costanzo / D’Orazio, Marco (2022): Effect of pore modulating additives-sepiolite and colloidal nano silica-on physical, mechanical and durability properties of lime-based renders. In: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 4 (19 April 2022).


  5. Stazi, Francesca / Mastrucci, Alessio / Di Perna, Costanzo (2012): The behaviour of solar walls in residential buildings with different insulation levels: An experimental and numerical study. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 47 (April 2012).


  6. Stazi, Francesca / Vegliò, Ambra / Di Perna, Costanzo / Munafò, Placido (2012): Retrofitting using a dynamic envelope to ensure thermal comfort, energy savings and low environmental impact in Mediterranean climates. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 54 (November 2012).


  7. Stazi, Francesca / Vegliò, Ambra / Di Perna, Costanzo / Munafò, Placido (2013): Experimental comparison between 3 different traditional wall constructions and dynamic simulations to identify optimal thermal insulation strategies. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 60 (Mai 2013).


  8. Stazi, Francesca / Vegliò, Ambra / Di Perna, Costanzo (2014): Experimental assessment of a zinc-titanium ventilated façade in a Mediterranean climate. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 69 (Februar 2014).


  9. Mastrucci, Alessio / Baume, Olivier / Stazi, Francesca / Leopold, Ulrich (2014): Estimating energy savings for the residential building stock of an entire city: A GIS-based statistical downscaling approach applied to Rotterdam. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 75 (Juni 2014).


  10. Stazi, Francesca / Bonfigli, Cecilia / Tomassoni, Elisa / Di Perna, Costanzo / Munafò, Placido (2015): The effect of high thermal insulation on high thermal mass: Is the dynamic behaviour of traditional envelopes in Mediterranean climates still possible?. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 88 (Februar 2015).


  11. Stazi, Francesca / Tomassoni, Elisa / Di Perna, Costanzo (2017): Super-insulated wooden envelopes in Mediterranean climate: Summer overheating, thermal comfort optimization, environmental impact on an Italian case study. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 138 (März 2017).


  12. Stazi, Francesca / Naspi, Federica / Ulpiani, Giulia / Di Perna, Costanzo (2017): Indoor air quality and thermal comfort optimization in classrooms developing an automatic system for windows opening and closing. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 139 (März 2017).


  13. Stazi, Francesca / Ulpiani, Giulia / Pergolini, Marianna / Di Perna, Costanzo / D'Orazio, Marco (2020): The role of wall layers properties on the thermal performance of ventilated facades: Experimental investigation on narrow-cavity design. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 209 (Februar 2020).


  14. Stazi, Francesca / Serpilli, Michele / Chiappini, Gianluca / Pergolini, Marianna / Fratalocchi, Evelina / Lenci, Stefano (2020): Experimental study of the mechanical behaviour of a new extruded earth block masonry. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 244 (Mai 2020).


  15. Naspi, Federica / Arnesano, Marco / Zampetti, Lorenzo / Stazi, Francesca / Revel, Gian Marco / D'Orazio, Marco (2018): Experimental study on occupants' interaction with windows and lights in Mediterranean offices during the non-heating season. In: Building and Environment, v. 127 (Januar 2018).


  16. Stazi, Francesca / Naspi, Federica / D'Orazio, Marco (2017): A literature review on driving factors and contextual events influencing occupants' behaviours in buildings. In: Building and Environment, v. 118 (Juni 2017).


  17. Stazi, Francesca / Naspi, Federica / D'Orazio, Marco (2017): Modelling window status in school classrooms. Results from a case study in Italy. In: Building and Environment, v. 111 (Januar 2017).


  18. Stazi, Francesca / Mastrucci, Alessio / Munafò, Placido (2012): Life cycle assessment approach for the optimization of sustainable building envelopes: An application on solar wall systems. In: Building and Environment, v. 58 (Dezember 2012).


  19. Stazi, Francesca / Nacci, Andrea / Tittarelli, Francesca / Pasqualini, Erio / Munafò, Placido (2016): An experimental study on earth plasters for earthen building protection: The effects of different admixtures and surface treatments. In: Journal of Cultural Heritage, v. 17, n. 1 (Januar 2016).


  20. Goffredo, Giovanni Battista / Citterio, Barbara / Biavasco, Francesca / Stazi, Francesca / Barcelli, Sara / Munafò, Placido (2017): Nanotechnology on wood: The effect of photocatalytic nanocoatings against Aspergillus niger. In: Journal of Cultural Heritage, v. 27, n. 5 (Oktober 2017).


  21. Stazi, Francesca / Ulpiani, Giulia / Pergolini, Marianna / Magni, Daniela / Di Perna, Costanzo (2018): Experimental Comparison Between Three Types of Opaque Ventilated Facades. In: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, v. 12, n. 1 (Dezember 2018).


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