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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Myung-Houn Jang

Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Choi, Heebok / Jang, Myung-Houn (2016): 중소규모 건설회사 CAD 활용현황과 대학교육 방안 (Survey on CAD Softwares Used in Small Contractors and Improvement to College CAD Education). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 16, n. 2 (April 2016).


  2. Jang, Myung-Houn / Choi, Heebok (2015): 시멘트계 바탕 바름재용 현무암 석분슬러지 모르타르의 경화 특성 (Hardened properties of the cement based Basalt powder sludge mortar for surface preparation). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 15, n. 5 (Oktober 2015).


  3. Ryu, Han-Guk / Choi, Heebok / Jang, Myung-Houn (2014): 스마트 기기의 증강현실을 이용한 타워크레인 선정방안 (Method to Select Tower Cranes Using Augmented Reality in Smart Devices). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 14, n. 5 (Oktober 2014).


  4. Choi, Heebok / Jang, Myung-Houn (2013): 건설현장 위험요소의 관측비율분석에 의한 작업공간의 안전성 확보방안 (Method to Acquire Safety of Work Spaces by Ensuring Proper Ratio of Visibility of Unsafe Factors in Building Construction Sites). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 13, n. 6 (Dezember 2013).


  5. Jang, Myung-Houn / Choi, Hee-Bok (2013): 제주산 현무암의 콘크리트용 골재 사용을 위한 품질 특성 평가 (Quality Evaluation of Basalt Aggregates from JEJU Island). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 13, n. 5 (Oktober 2013).


  6. Jang, Myung-Houn / Choi, Hee-Bok (2013): A Case Study on Architectural Engineering Design Using Action Learning. In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 13, n. 1 (Februar 2013).


  7. Jang, Myung-Houn / Choi, Hee-Bok (2012): Recycling of In-site waste soil material to fill a hollow between PHC pile and Earthen wall. In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 12, n. 5 (Oktober 2012).


  8. Jang, Myung-Houn (2012): Blended Learning을 활용한 건축공학CAD 수업 사례연구 (A Case Study on Engineering Education of Architectural Engineering CAD Using Blended Learning). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 12, n. 4 (August 2012).


  9. Kang, Soon-Min / Jang, Myung-Houn (2012): 제주지역 건설현장의 응급처치 대응수준에 대한 조사연구 (Investigation on Level of Emergency Treatment Performance on Building Construction Sites in Jeju). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 12, n. 2 (April 2012).


  10. Jang, Myung-Houn (2010): 플래시를 이용한 웹기반 일정관리 도구 개발 (Development of a Web-based Schedule Tool Using Flash). In: Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction (한국건축시공학회지), v. 10, n. 2 (April 2010).


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