Rittenhouse, Tod / DiMaggio, Peter / Ettouney, Mohammed (2001): Behavior of Steel Structures Subjected to Blast Loading. Vorgetragen bei: 2001 Structures Congress and Exposition, Washington, D.C., May 21-23, 2001.
Chen, Xi / Li, Huihui / Agrawal, Anil Kumar / Ettouney, Mohammed / Wang, Hongfan (2023): Performance-Based Retrofits of Long-Span Truss Bridges Based on the Alternate Load Path Redundancy Analysis. In: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 28, n. 2 (Februar 2023).
Chen, Xi / Li, Huihui / Agrawal, Anil Kumar / Ettouney, Mohammed / Wang, Hongfan (2022): Alternate Load Paths Redundancy Analysis of Steel Truss Bridges. In: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 27, n. 11 (November 2022).
Li, Huihui / Agrawal, Anil Kumar / Chen, Xi / Ettouney, Mohammed / Wang, Hongfan (2022): A Framework for Identification of the Critical Members for Truss Bridges through Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis. In: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 27, n. 8 (August 2022).
Alampalli, Sreenivas / Ettouney, Mohammed (2006): Structural Health Monitoring as a Bridge Management Tool. Vorgetragen bei: Structures Congress 2006, May 18-21, 2006, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.
Ettouney, Mohammed / Alampalli, Sreenivas (2006): Blast Hazard Considerations within a Multihazards Environment: An Application to the Theory of Multihazards. Vorgetragen bei: Structures Congress 2006, May 18-21, 2006, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.
Flanigan, Katherine A. / Lynch, Jerome P. / Ettouney, Mohammed (2020): Quantitatively linking long-term monitoring data to condition ratings through a reliability-based framework. In: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 20, n. 5 (Dezember 2020).
Flanigan, Katherine A. / Lynch, Jerome P. / Ettouney, Mohammed (2019): Probabilistic fatigue assessment of monitored railroad bridge components using long-term response data in a reliability framework. In: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 19, n. 6 (Dezember 2019).
Hansen, Eric / Wong, Felix / Lawver, Darell / Oneto, Robert / Tennant, Darren / Ettouney, Mohammed (2005): Development of An Analytical Database to Support a Fast Running Progressive Collapse Assessment Tool. Vorgetragen bei: 2005 Structures Congress: Metropolis and Beyond & 2005 Forensic Engineering Symposium, New York (New York), USA, 20-24 April 2005.
Gerasimidis, Simos / Deodatis, George / Kontoroupi, Thalia / Ettouney, Mohammed (2015): Loss-of-stability induced progressive collapse modes in 3D steel moment frames. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 11, n. 3 (November 2015).
Gerasimidis, Simos / Deodatis, George / Kontoroupi, Thalia / Ettouney, Mohammed (2015): Loss-of-stability induced progressive collapse modes in 3D steel moment frames. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 11, n. 3 (November 2015).
Ettouney, Mohammed / Smilowitz, Robert / Rittenhouse, Tod (1996): Blast Resistant Design of Commercial Buildings. In: Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, v. 1, n. 1 (Februar 1996).
Weidlinger, Paul / Ettouney, Mohammed (1993): Sequential Coupling: New Structural Connection for Seismic Control. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 119, n. 1 (Januar 1993).
Gerasimidis, Simos / Deodatis, George / Yan, Yujie / Ettouney, Mohammed (2017): Global Instability Induced Failure of Tall Steel Moment Frame Buildings. In: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 31, n. 2 (April 2017).
Ettouney, Mohammed / Smilowitz, Robert / Tang, Margaret / Hapij, Adam (2006): Global System Considerations for Progressive Collapse with Extensions to Other Natural and Man-Made Hazards. In: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 20, n. 4 (November 2006).
Ettouney, Mohammed / Hapij, Adam / Gajer, Ruben (2001): Frequency-Domain Analysis of Long-Span Bridges Subjected to Nonuniform Seismic Motions. In: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 6, n. 6 (November - Dezember 2001).
Alampalli, Sreenivas / Ettouney, Mohammed (2008): Role of structural health monitoring in bridge security. In: Bridge Structures, v. 4, n. 3-4 (September 2008).
Tang, Margaret / Carlson, David A. / Miller, Richard / Goldblum, Stephen / Paquin, Greg / Ettouney, Mohammed (2007): Demolition Design. In: Civil Engineering Magazine, v. 77, n. 12 (Dezember 2007).