Chul-Hun Chung
- 유한요소해석에 의한 요철형 이음단면을 갖는 프리캐스트 바닥판의 휨성능 평가 (Evaluation on Flexural Performance of Precast Decks with Ribbed Joint by FEM). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 20, n. 1 (Januar 2016). (2016):
- 계측데이터 분석을 통한 모니터링 데이터의 계측관리기준 재설정 (Reset of Measurement Control Criteria for Monitoring Data through the Analysis of Measured Data). In: Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집), v. 18, n. 6 (November 2014). (2014):
- (2022): Effect of Firewall on a Suspension Bridge under Vehicle Fire. Vorgetragen bei: IABSE Congress: Bridges and Structures: Connection, Integration and Harmonisation, Nanjing, People's Republic of China, 21-23 September 2022.
- Structural behavior of precast concrete deck with ribbed loop joints in a composite bridge. In: Smart Structures and Systems, v. 17, n. 4 (April 2016). (2016):
- Numerical analysis-based structural behavior assessment of a cable-stayed bridge under tanker fire. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 19, n. 12 (April 2023). (2023):
- Consistent thermal analysis procedure of LNG storage tank. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 25, n. 4 (März 2007). (2007):
- Inelastic behaviour of externally prestressed continuous composite box-girder bridge with prefabricated slabs. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 60, n. 7 (Juli 2004). (2004):
- Experiments on Shear Connections of PSC Girders with Prefabricated Slabs. Vorgetragen bei: IABSE Symposium: Metropolitan Habitats and Infrastructure, Shanghai, China, 22-24 September 2004. (2004):
- Stress concentration factors of N-joints of concrete-filled tubes subjected to axial loads. In: International Journal of Steel Structures, v. 14, n. 1 ( 2014). (2014):
- Experimental evaluation of seismic performance of precast segmental bridge piers with a circular solid section. In: Engineering Structures, v. 30, n. 12 (Dezember 2008). (2008):
- Development and Application of Precast Decks for Composite Bridges. In: Structural Engineering International, v. 20, n. 2 (Mai 2010). (2010):