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Tennessee Valley Authority

Structurae hat derzeit 11 relevante Veröffentlichung(en) katalogisiert.

  1. Parker, Theodore B. (1943): Allocation of the Tennessee Valley Authority Projects. In: Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, v. 108, n. 1 ( 1943), S. 174-187.


  2. Kirkpatrick, Kenneth W. (1957): Discharge Coefficients for Spillways at TVA Dams. In: Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, v. 122, n. 1 ( 1957), S. 190-210.


  3. Hickox, George H. (1947): Experiences of the Tennessee Valley Authority. In: Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, v. 112, n. 1 ( 1947), S. 59-67.


  4. Rutter, Edward J. (1951): Flood-Control Operation of Tennessee Valley Authority Reservoirs. In: Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, v. 116, n. 1 ( 1951), S. 671-703.


  5. Liel, A. B. (2011): The Influence of Engineering Organization on Design and Construction Processes at Tennessee Valley Authority Dams of the 1930s. Vorgetragen bei: Structures Congress 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 14-16, 2011, S. 2320 - 2331.
