Jozef Rabiega
Rabiega, Józef / Bolanowski, Stanislaw / Wątroba, Paweł (2017): History of the Reconstruction and Modernization of the Bolko Island Pedestrian Bridge in Opole. Vorgetragen bei: Footbridge 2017 Berlin - Tell A Story, 6-8.9.2017, Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin).
Biliszczuk, Jan / Rabiega, Józef / Tadla, Janusz (2008): Footbridges in Wroclaw, Poland. Vorgetragen bei: Footbridge 2008 - Footbridges for Urban Renewal, Third International Conference on Footbridges, 2-4 July 2008, Porto, Portugal, S. 147-148.
Rabiega, Józef / Tadla, Janusz (2011): Suspension Footbridge Over Mała Panew in Krupski Młyn. Vorgetragen bei: 4th International Conference Footbridge 2011, Wroclaw, Poland, 6-8 July 2011.