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Vestman, Victor / Collin, Peter / Lilja, Heikki / Tirkkonen, Timo / Peltomaa, Mikko / Jordán, Javier / Berthellemy, Jacques / Hällmark, Robert (2022): Horizontal bracing in steel I-girder bridges with composite concrete decks. Vorgetragen bei: IABSE Symposium: Challenges for Existing and Oncoming Structures, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-27 May 2022, S. 1684-1690.
Ranzi, Gianluca / Gilbert, Raymond Ian / Leoni, Graziano / Dezi, Luigino / Pérez Caldentey, Alejandro / Jordán, Javier / Hewitt, John / Leon, Roberto / Rauch, Marion (2021): Introduction. In: Ranzi, Gianluca (2021): Time-dependent behaviour and design of composite steel-concrete structures. International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Zürich (Schweiz), ISBN 978-3-85748-178-9, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Zürich (Schweiz), S. 1-12.
Ranzi, Gianluca / Leoni, Graziano / Dezi, Luigino / Pérez Caldentey, Alejandro / Hewitt, John / Jordán, Javier / Gilbert, Raymond Ian / Geng, Yue / Wang, Yu-yin / Leon, Roberto / Rauch, Marion (2021): Design specifications for the time-dependent behaviour of composite steel-concrete structures. In: Ranzi, Gianluca (2021): Time-dependent behaviour and design of composite steel-concrete structures. International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Zürich (Schweiz), ISBN 978-3-85748-178-9, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Zürich (Schweiz), S. 111-136.
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