James Eyre
Eyre, James (1997): A Cable Stayed Swing Bridge. In: Bennett, David (1997): the architecture of bridge design. Thomas Telford, London (Großbritannien), ISBN 978-0727725295, S. 74-79.
Eyre, James (2002): Aesthetics of footbridge design. Vorgetragen bei: Footbridge 2002, Paris, 20-22.11.2002.
Wilkinson, Chris / Eyre, James (2001): Bridging Art & Science. WilkinsonEyre Architecture. Booth-Clibborn Editions, S. 320.
Clark, Gordon / Eyre, James (2001): Gateshead Millennium Bridge. In: The Structural Engineer, v. 79, n. 3 ( 2001), S. 30-35.