Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement
The new Sixth Street Viaduct creates a “Ribbon of Light” between downtown and East Los Angeles communities. The Sixth Street Viaduct (also known as the Sixth Street Bridge) is a 3,500-foot bridge in Los Angeles that connects historic Boyle Heights on the east side with the Downtown Arts District on the west. The bridge spans the LA River and the 101 Freeway, local surface roads as well as 18 railroad tracks operated by five different railroad agencies including Union Pacific and Metrolink. The earlier viaduct on this site, built in 1932, was closed for demolition in January 2016. The new Sixth Street Viaduct was designed by the HNTB-led team that won an international design competition decided by public vote. The viaduct accommodates vehicles and pedestrians, as did the original, and provides dedicated lanes for bikes. Learn more at Find more aviation projects and the solutions we offer at Connect with us: LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Website:
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