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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


The builders of the Smart Circular Bridge: A talk with Martijn Veltkamp of FiberCore Europe

FiberCore Europe is one of the 15 partners in the “Smart Circular Bridge”-project. The company from the Netherlands has a lot of experience with fiber reinforced polymer bridges. They have built around 1.000 Bridges so far. Martijn Veltkamp, a concept engineer at FiberCore Europe, talks about the added value of bio-composites in bridges, the design process and the future role of bio-composites in the construction industry. #smartcircularbridge #circulareconomy #biocomposites #strucuralhealthmonitoring

Media-ID: 381374
Erstellt im/am: 12. April 2022

Smart Circular Bridge / YouTube

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Geändert am: 14.11.2022

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