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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Mersey Gateway Movable Scaffolding System (MSS)

The MSS is a large piece of construction equipment, which once assembled, will attach to the bridge piers and enable the elevated approach viaducts to be built over the Mersey estuary. It is being put together on site and will be 157m long, 22m wide and will weigh 1500 tonnes when fully assembled. It will take around three to four months to construct and will be on site for around 19 months. The MSS will act as a giant concrete mould for the deck of the approach viaducts, which will be constructed in sections (known as ‘spans’) of approx 70m in length. It will take up to two weeks to build each span. The MSS has been designed specifically for this project. When the bridge is complete, the equipment will be dismantled and recycled. CG animations by Proin3D

Media-ID: 369688
Erstellt im/am: 14. Oktober 2015
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Geändert am: 12.01.2022

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