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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders House, Berlin - RAPIDOBAT® formworks (english)

The preliminary final construction phase of what's known as the "Band des Bundes", is currently underway in Berlin's government district. The finishing touches on the "Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders" House constitute the culmination of the building complex known as the "Spreebogen". H-BAU provided the roughly 20-meter tall RAPDIOBAT® shuttering tubes that were used to construct the customized support columns for the building's flying roof. Another innovation from H-BAU used in this project is the RAPIDOBAT® Cretcon HD formwork tube. With its activated hydrogel-formwork-skin, it absorbs excess liquid from the concrete. The result is a non-porous smooth exposed concrete surface of unprecedentedquality. For more information please visit www.h-bau.com

Media-ID: 369636
Erstellt im/am: 27. Februar 2014
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Geändert am: 12.01.2022

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