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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Willis Avenue Bridge Arriving in NYC

The replacement for the Willis Avenue Bridge arrived in New York Harbor early on the morning of July 14, 2010, after being towed down the Hudson River from the Coeymans, NY, work yard where it was built. The new bridge, which will replace the existing, 109-year-old structure that spans the Harlem River, will be docked at the Weeks Marine Yard in Jersey City, NJ before being transported to its permanent home linking Willis Avenue in the Bronx and First Avenue in Manhattan later in July, with installation occurring in early August 2010. For more information see the press release: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dot//html/pr2010/pr10_030.shtml

Media-ID: 369587
Erstellt im/am: 14. Juli 2010
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Geändert am: 12.01.2022

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