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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


DEVON ENERGY CENTER- Oklahoma City, OK original documentary

Jack Frank's documentary on the planning, construction, and features of Oklahoma's tallest building, the Devon Energy Center. Interviews with Devon co-founder Larry Nichols and building architect Jon Pickard of Pickard-Chilton firm. SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE GREAT VIDEOS———— Stay up to date when we post videos about Tulsa and Oklahoma http://www.youtube.com/c/JackFrank -----------PURCHASE TULSA HISTORY SERIES DVDS HERE--------- https://tulsafilms.com -----------FOLLOW TULSA FILMS ON FACEBOOK ---------------------- https://www.facebook.com/tulsahistoryshop/

Media-ID: 369328
Erstellt im/am: 23. Oktober 2012
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Geändert am: 12.01.2022

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