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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


DYWIDAG Stay Cable Systems for Dubrovnik Bridge, Croatia

The Dr. Franjo Tudjmann Bridge near Dubrovnik in Croatia, which has an overall length of 481.4 m, is suspended from the 143 m high pylon by 19 pairs of Stay Cables that were supplied by DSI. Especially in winter, the bridge is subjected to extreme storms. Therefore, adaptive cable dampers were installed that work according to the principle of magnetorheological (MR) fluid dampers. The electronic control significantly reduces the oscillation amplitudes. Thus, the oscillation behavior of the entire bridge is positively affected, increasing both the service life of the stay cables and traffic safety. The dampers were developed by DSI, Maurer & Söhne GmbH & Co KG and the Swiss research institution for material science and technology, Empa. For further information on this project visit: https://www.dywidag-systems.com/emea/projects/2007-info-15/cable-vibration-dampers-secure-one-of-the-largest-stay-cable-bridges-in-europe/

Media-ID: 369316
Erstellt im/am: 11. September 2012
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Geändert am: 12.01.2022

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