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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


West 57th Street Pyramid Flyover

Durst Fetner Residential has chosen Danish architectural firm BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group to design West 57th, a 600-unit residential building on West 57th Street between 11th and 12th avenues, BIG's inaugural North American project. The building will be a hybrid design blending the European block look with a traditional Manhattan high-rise courtyard building. Residential units of different scales will be located on a podium with cultural and commercial space. The building, which has a sloping roof, is also seeking LEED Gold certification. When viewed from the West Side Highway, the building appears to resemble a warped pyramid, while it looks like a slender spire when seen from West 58th Street, according to BIG.

Media-ID: 369310
Erstellt im/am: 26. Januar 2012
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Geändert am: 12.01.2022

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