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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


The ECB and its New Glass Palace | Made in Germany

The European Central Bank is supposed to guarantee stability, but it's undergoing a revamp itself. Not only is it facing new responsibilities; it is also set to relocate to new premises. More than 2000 staff members will be moving into new offices in a 185 meter double tower block in Frankfurt by the end of the year. The cost: about 1.2 billion euros. Made in Germany took a look. Report by Marion Hütter. Read more: http://www.dw.de/program/made-in-germany/s-3066-9798

Media-ID: 369122
Erstellt im/am: 29. Oktober 2014
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Geändert am: 11.01.2022

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