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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


View from the front of a suspended monorail, 1890's - Film 11111

Phantom ride from a suspended monorail. Europe, Germany, Barmen-Elberfeld (now Wupperthal). Ride starts and follows a road. A horse and cart pass underneath in the oppsite direction. Cable car passes in opposite direction. Ride travels round bends. Good views of housing and the structure of the monorail. Crossing a river and entering a station. Travelling along river. Passing through a second station, a third station and passing a second cable car. River side buildings. The film is cleverly edited so that each section is cut to follow on smoothly from the previous piece of film.

Media-ID: 369117
Erstellt im/am: 10. Januar 2013
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Geändert am: 11.01.2022

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