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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Learn more about the footings on the West Approach - New Champlain Bridge

More information : http://www.newchamplain.ca/2017/01/learn-more-about-the-building-and-installation-of-a-footing-on-the-west-approach/ After our videos on the main pylon and on the East Approach a few weeks ago, our documentary webseries "Inside the giant" looks at footings, from their prefabrication to their installation in the river. Sylvain Tremblay, Area Manager for the Pre-Cast Yard, and Alexandre Clouthier, Area Manager for the West Approach, talk about their pride in being involved in this part of the project as well as challenges they face with these major operations.

Media-ID: 369063
Erstellt im/am: 30. Januar 2017
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Geändert am: 11.01.2022

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