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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


New Greystone Footbridge Installation - time-lapse

A new footbridge providing an impressive gateway at the Knowsley / Liverpool boundary was successfully installed over a weekend in October. The new, modern footbridge spans the M62 between Junctions 4 and 5 in Huyton, and is an eye-catching cable-stayed structure. The replacement works involved more than 20,000 man hours, 100 tonnes of steel and 200 cubic metres of reinforced concrete. The new footbridge provides pedestrian and cyclist facilities which link the communities on either side of the motorway. It will be used by more than 400 people each day.

Media-ID: 368832
Erstellt im/am: 16. Oktober 2015
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Geändert am: 11.01.2022

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