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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Ordsall Chord: The story so far

Since October 2015, we have been constructing the Ordsall Chord. When completed in December 2017, it will link Manchester Victoria and Piccadilly stations for the first time, ease congestion and provide faster and more frequent trains. Between March 24 and 4 April, we completed essential work such as track realignment, demolishing a bridge and installing a new one as well as arch strengthening. This is the story so far. https://www.networkrail.co.uk/ordsall-chord/ https://www.facebook.com/networkrail https://www.instagram.com/networkrail https://twitter.com/networkrail

Media-ID: 368798
Erstellt im/am: 4. April 2016
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Geändert am: 11.01.2022

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