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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


The Zhaozhou bridge in Shijiazhuang, China (Anji Bridge) a Form-Found Structure

Prof Wanda J. Lewis (Emeritus Professor at the University of Warwick, School of Engineering) talks to us about the Zhaozhou bridge in Shijiazhuang, China (Anji Bridge) a form-found structure. Watch the full interview here: https://youtu.be/KGwC-IhNzS8 IASS IASS2020_21 MoversandShakers Interview ConvertibleStructures Form FormFinding SpatialStructures Architecture Structures Engineering CivilEngineering UniversityofWarwick Conference LightweightStructures MembraneStructures ZhaozhouBridge Bridge Bridges China

Media-ID: 351395
Erstellt im/am: 28. Januar 2021

SpatialStructures2021 / YouTube

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Geändert am: 13.05.2021

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