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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


'Spatial Structures; Movers and Shakers' - with Jan Knippers

In our latest 'Spatial Structures; Movers and Shakers' interview, we speak with Professor Jan Knippers who is a structural engineer and head of the Institute for Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) at the University of Stuttgart. Website: https://www.surrey.ac.uk/iass2021 ​ LinkedIn: Spatial Structures 2020/21 Twitter: @structures2021 Instagram: spatialstructures2020_21 Facebook: spatialstructures2020.21 Introductory Music by James Richardson IASS​2020_21 IASS​ MoversandShakers​ Interview​ SpatialStructures​ Architecture​ ReciprocalFrames​ Conference​ Surrey​ Movers​andShakers IASS2020​ IASS2021​ StructuralEngineering​ Structures​ Estructuras​ LightweightStructures​ EstructurasLigeras​ Design​ EstructurasEspaciales​ Diseño​ Construction​ Entrevista​ Construcción​ Mexico​ England​ UK​ Spain​ US​ Japan​ Tension​ Structures Form​ FormFinding​ Engineering​ Ingenieria​ CivilEngineering

Media-ID: 351394
Erstellt im/am: 15. Februar 2021

SpatialStructures2021 / YouTube

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Geändert am: 13.05.2021

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