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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Citicorp Center | NYC skyscraper saved by a student’s question

The Citicorp Center repair is a classic engineering case study of how mistakes must be avoided in engineering and construction of public works. A skyscraper in New York City needed a unique structural system. While reviewing the design a student asked a question that made the engineer realize that a mistake had been made. There is a daring race to make the repairs for the building collapses. The video gives the details and then discusses how the engineer handled the situation. My website is: www.tylerley.com If you would like to donate to my channel please visit www.tylerley.com/giving

Media-ID: 341029
Erstellt im/am: 8. Juni 2018

Tyler Ley / YouTube

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Geändert am: 29.05.2020

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