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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Zhivopisny Bridge

This is the Zhivopisny Bridge, the first cable-stayed bridge in Moscow. Opened on 27 December 2007 as a part of Krasnopresnensky avenue. Total length of an S-shaped deck exceeds 1.5 kilometers, including a 409.5-meter long, 47-meter wide main section running 30 meters above and along the centerline of river Moskva. The main pylon is a 105-meter high arch across the river, carrying the weight of the deck through 78 cables. Under the top of the arch, there is a disk-like structure that was intended to house a restaurant.

Media-ID: 340970
Erstellt im/am: 15. Mai 2017

John Mark Dougan / YouTube

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Geändert am: 27.05.2020

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Russland (2007)