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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


A new setting for a legendary tournament | New Roland Garros

A new setting for a legendary tournament | New Roland Garros. Discover all the construction steps between 2018 and 2021. Visit Roland Garros' official website: http://rg.fr/RGweb Subscribe to our channel: http://rg.fr/ytrgin Follow us! Facebook: http://rg.fr/FBRolGa Twitter: http://rg.fr/Twrolg Instagram: http://rg.fr/instRG This is the official YouTube Channel of Roland Garros, home of the French Open. The tournament 2018 will run from 21 May - 10 June.

Media-ID: 340867
Erstellt im/am: 25. Juli 2018
Roland Garros / YouTube
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Geändert am: 25.05.2020

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Frankreich (2020)