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Nuremberg Metro Line U3 Northwest Extension Stations and Tracks in Inner-City Areas

Stations and Tracks in Inner-City Areas

 Nuremberg Metro Line U3 Northwest Extension Stations and Tracks in Inner-City Areas
Autor(en): , ,
Beitrag für IABSE Symposium: Large Structures and Infrastructures for Environmentally Constrained and Urbanised Areas, Venice, Italy, 22-24 September 2010, veröffentlicht in , S. 260-261
DOI: 10.2749/222137810796024420
Preis: € 25,00 inkl. MwSt. als PDF-Dokument  
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When building a metro in a medieval city like Nuremberg the challenges are not limited to the actual tunnelling. The limited amount of space available and various construction management issues hav...

Bibliografische Angaben


Medium: Tagungsbeitrag
Sprache(n): Englisch
Tagung: IABSE Symposium: Large Structures and Infrastructures for Environmentally Constrained and Urbanised Areas, Venice, Italy, 22-24 September 2010
Veröffentlicht in:
Seite(n): 260-261 Anzahl der Seiten (im PDF): 8
Seite(n): 260-261
Anzahl der Seiten (im PDF): 8
Jahr: 2010
DOI: 10.2749/222137810796024420

When building a metro in a medieval city like Nuremberg the challenges are not limited to the actual tunnelling. The limited amount of space available and various construction management issues have to be considered in planning just as much and just as carefully. This report describes the problems that ensued in the design and construction of the 1,1 km long track between two stations, which methods were used to solve them and how this was achieved.

Detailed descriptions of the construction methods are given as well as the reasons behind the special constructive solutions that were used. The floating slab system used in the Nuremberg metro system is also explained and how it increases comfort and reduces noise pollution.

Lärmschutz Bohrpfahl

Bauwerke und Projekte