Wind & Structures (WAS) - v. 8, n. 1 (Februar 2005)
Erschienen: | Februar 2005 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Panneer Selvam, R. / Millett, Paul C. | Large eddy simulation of the tornado-structure interaction to determine structural loadings | 49-60 |
Li, Yuan-Qi / Tamura, Yukio | Nonlinear dynamic analysis for large-span single-layer reticulated shells subjected to wind loading | 35-48 |
Como, M. / Ferraro, S. Del / Grimaldi, A. | A parametric analysis of the flutter instability for long span suspension bridges | 1-12 |
Sterling, M. / Baker, C. J. / Quinn, A. D. / Hoxey, R. P. | Pressure and velocity fluctuations in the atmospheric boundary layer | 13-34 |
Tranvik, Par / Alpsten, Goran | Structural behaviour under wind loading of a 90 m steel chimney | 61-78 |